Micro-frontends are nothing but taking the concept of micro-services to the frontend. Say, a web app as a composition of features and owned by independent teams.
Monoliths are not always necessarily bad, but sometimes they're hard to manage, longer build times, deploying the entire application in case of any breaking api changes, more dependencies when team size/count scales.
Implementation includes splitting & composition of application’s interfaces.There are 2 good ways to go about splitting - horizontal scaling (breaking down an interface into multiple parts that can be assigned to different teams) and vertical scaling (here you prioritize business domains & assign each domain to different teams). Popular patterns of composition include Server Side Composition, Build Time Integration, Client-side composition and more
Frameworks like single-spa let you write new code, possibly with new framework of your choice (React, AngularJS, Angular, Ember, or whatever suits)
Read more @ https://micro-frontends.org/
Guest blogger : Mariappan S